What is an Agreement in Principle | MoneymanTV

A fundamental aspect in the mortgage application process is securing an agreement in principle (AIP), also known as a decision in principle. This involves successfully passing a lender’s credit score, establishing your eligibility for a mortgage.

Securing an AIP not only demonstrates your readiness as a first time buyer in Liverpool but can also be a valuable tool in negotiations. Sellers often view it as a sign of your seriousness and financial capability, potentially aiding in discussions for a lower price.

Will obtaining an agreement in principle affect credit score? 

Credit scoring typically involves soft searches more frequently than hard searches.

While both may have an impact on your credit score, hard searches are more likely to do so as they leave a credit footprint. Regardless of the method, lenders use credit checks with good intentions.

Should I avoid hard credit checks? 

Occasional hard credit checks may not significantly impact your credit score, but caution is advised against too many within a short timeframe. However, if you possess a strong credit score and it aligns with the lender’s requirements, it shouldn’t pose a problem.

Is an agreement in principle a guarantee that I will get the mortgage? 

While having an agreement in principle is advantageous, it doesn’t guarantee a mortgage. Lenders still require a thorough review of all your documents before an underwriter makes the final decision.

Many applicants discover this reality after being declined due to overlooked details in their initial agreement.

Can I make an offer without an agreement in principle? 

Making an offer without an agreement in principle is possible but not recommended. Reputable estate agents typically expect first time buyers in Liverpool to provide evidence of their financial readiness before proceeding.

How long does it take to get an agreement in principle? 

Obtaining an agreement in principle promptly is feasible, often within 24 hours, by reaching out to an experienced mortgage advisor in Liverpool.

How long does an agreement in principle Last For?

Typically, an agreement in principle has a validity period of 30-90 days. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean rushing into a home purchase. If it expires, obtaining a new one before making an offer is a straightforward process.

Securing an agreement in principle early in your home-buying journey is advisable to avoid potential disappointments associated with declined mortgage applications. It provides a solid foundation and ensures you are well-prepared when moving forward with your property purchase.

Date Last Edited: February 1, 2024