In order to start the process of moving home in Liverpool, most people will want to sell their current home first. The equity from this property (the difference between the amount you sell the property for versus the amount left on your mortgage balance) will be your deposit for your purchase.

If you would like to put money towards this, you can either use your savings or be gifted a portion of/the full deposit by a family member.

Realistic Asking Prices

If you’re selling your property, you will always have an ideal number you’re looking for. How quickly a home sells though completely depends on how the property is marketed and presented.

You should always be realistic with your asking price, opting for one close to the average price of the area you’re in. If the average property is worth £100,000, then asking for something in the way of £350,000 is just too much and you likely won’t make a sale.

The estate agent will suggest the highest potential sale price, but their options aren’t always the best so it’s worth doing your own research. With websites like Zoopla and Rightmove now aiding home buyers and sellers, making that initial leap onto the market is of great importance.

Your primary focus should be generating as many property viewings as possible within the first 2 weeks of your property being listed. If after those first two weeks there’s been little to no interest, it’s likely your property was overvalued.

Helpful Things to Remember

We find that some potential sellers would rather identify a property that they’d like to buy first before they go ahead and sell their own. If this is you and you’re in need of a quicker sale, we have some tips that may hopefully increase your chances of selling your property.

Perception of Your Home

  • Put yourself in the mind of someone seeing your home for the first time. If it looks good though when arriving on the scene and when entering, chances are it’ll resonate with the potential buyer and present a higher chance of them buying the property.

Cleaning The Exterior

  • Making the external areas of the property presentable also helps. Jet-washed driveway, nice and neat lawn, those are the sorts of things that will definitely look good to prospective buyers. They’ll know they’d be buying a well looked after home. With a nice looking outside, they’ll be more inclined to want to see the inside.
  • If you have things like children’s bikes, toys and other items out cluttering the front of the property, it can seem untidy. Also clean the locks and handles on your front door and ensure the doorbell (if there is one) works as it should. A nice additional touch would be to add a new doormat.

Cleaning The Interior

  • Check through each room in the property, especially kitchens and bathrooms. Ensure your cupboards are nicely stacked, clean and smell nice. If you are a smoker, make sure you air out the room in plenty of time before the potential home buyer arrives. If something has a smoky smell to it, take it out of the property altogether.
  • Give interior doors a new lick of paint and polish any brass items around the house. Ensure all doors open and close with ease and that no locks or seals are broken.
  • Your bathroom should look absolutely spotless. Any cosmetics or items used daily should be put away and not left out. Make sure all towels and flannels match and don’t leave any clothes out on the floor for the potential buyer to see.
  • Wipe your walls, clean all curtains and blinds, clean all your windows and hoover/wipe your floors. Make sure any repairs that need doing are already done and you’ve put out fresh bedding in the bedroom.
  • If you have a garage, empty it out to promote the idea of someone putting a car in there.

Ensuring The Viewer Feels Comfortable

  • You ideally want to portray a home-feel, a good vibe. It needs to feel relaxing and belonging. Depending on the property you’re selling, having children and pets running around can be a bad look.
  • On the flip side, if it’s a family home you’re selling and it’s to a young couple, having your kids around, as well as family photos and kids paintings can truly resonate with what their future plans may be.
  • Don’t stick to your viewer like glue. Let them breathe and explore on their own, but don’t stay too far behind as you need to make sure you’re available to answer any questions they may have.
  • Leave all curtains and blinds open too and make sure all darker rooms are well lit. You want an inviting feel, a warmth to your home.
  • There are myths that making sure it “smells like baking bread” is a sure-fire way to make them want your home. In truth, this doesn’t really work very well. Ensure there are no lingering smells from the kitchen and cut back and prune any large interior plants that block out the natural light.
  • Some buyers like to see a property as a blank canvas. So plain walls and new carpets can really work a treat.

Making Your Garden Presentable

  • Giving your garden a general once over and removing any rubbish is another good idea. The viewer may very well want to see how big the inside of your shed is. So try not to use that as a way out of properly tidying your garden.
  • Remove weeds and overgrown plants, mow the grass, and remove any clippings in order to further the aesthetic appeal.
  • Make sure the slats in any fences are in place and are well painted or creosoted (treated wood).
  • Any outdoors items such as barbeques, fire pits or lawn chairs should be tidied up. But you don’t need to hide them away. People like to see colourful gardens as ones with nothing in. If it’s the season for it, flowering plants always add to the charm of a well looked after garden.

Moving Home Mortgage Advisors in Liverpool

People buy from people, so always remember that when it comes to preparing your property. If it appeals to you, it’ll likely appeal to a potential buyer. There’s no greater feeling in the world of buying and selling homes.

Than showcasing a well-presented home that truly showcases the hard work you put into it.

Mentioning any minor issues you’ve had truly goes a long way. Furthering the bond of trust you build with the potential buyer, as they walk around your home. This includes things such as broken leaks that you’ve since fixed.

It presents a balanced view and goes down well with most. Estate agents will want to earn a commission, but nobody knows your property as you do.

Finally, remember the emotions you felt when buying your home and all the happy memories you shared there.

Date Last Edited: August 7, 2023